Search Results for "One"


Windmills 2 - PDF

Windmills 2
Price: 8.00
(Story: FinQ, Artwork: MadMax)

Following that first day, when Steph showed me her new, gym toned body, and demonstrated her superior physical power, things began to change in our marriage. It wasn't just the dynamic of our sex lives either, the whole nature of our relationship changed. I don't think it was the fact she could (and did) now take full control in bed it was the fact I loved it. This was something quite different and fed into the dynamics of life together outside the bedroom.

following first day Steph new gym toned body demonstrated superior physical power change marriage dynamic sex lives whole nature relationship fact could did now take full control bed loved something quite different fed into dynamics life together outside bedroom.

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The Lipstick Detective - PDF

The Lipstick Detective
Price: 8.00
(Story: Arnoldziffel1, Artwork: Tan Yk)

'Greece!' Billie wasn not punching the heavy bag at the Gargoyle Gym, she was pummeling it. Punishing it, actually. speed boxing. She flurried her fists against the heavy bag, delivering a powerful jolt with each strike. She threw hooks, crosses, jabs, and uppercuts, all with precise accuracy and tremendous strength. The bag bounced wildly on its chain, hanging tough against the onslaught of punches. She grinned at Andy, then sneered at the bag like it was an enemy. Billie finished her workout with a blistering Left, Left, Right blitzkrieg that knocked it off the hanger, slamming into the nearby wall. 'Okay, all done!' The manager groaned. 'Really, Billie? Again?' After a quick shower she changed into her work clothes. She examined what she saw in the mirror: A solid 200 pounds of toned muscle packed onto a 5 foot 7 inch frame with a ghost of baby fat here and there. Pretty, pert breasts supported by a pectoral wall. Six abs the size of her fists proudly making their presence known below her peaches and cream skin. She slipped on a sleeveless shirt and flexed her right arm, a rock hard hill of muscle forming beside her big shoulder. 'Flabby bitch!' she laughed.

Greece Billie heavy bag Gargoyle Gym speed boxing hooks crosses jabs uppercuts accuracy strength Andy enemy Left Right blitzkrieg manager shower work clothes mirror muscle toned frame baby fat breasts pectoral wall abs skin sleeveless shirt flexed rock hard muscle flabby

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Concetta and Yau Nam - PDF

Concetta and Yau Nam
Price: 8.00

Concetta is a high level, black belt practioner of the Yau Nam. Yau Nam is a little-known sexual and martial art. This is an account of one morning in her life - she first shags three men senselss, then moves on to the Yau Nam dojo and takes on two Yau Nam masters. The morning is completed when she takes on the dojo instructor, and leaves him physically and sexually drained.

Concetta high level black belt practioner Yau Nam sexual martial art morning shags men senselss dojo masters instructor physically drained sexually drained

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Pizza Girl part three - PDF

Pizza Girl part three
Price: 8.00

Today I was attacked again - the guy wanted the money I was carrying. He was waving a knife around, but it was a dinner knife and he looked really stupid with it. "OK, OK," I said, "My life isn't worth the cash I'm carrying, it's on the bicycle, I'll just get it." But also on the bicycle was my hockey stick, and that's a yard long. I unclipped it, and swung at his head, as one does. He ducked, of course, but I caught him a good one on the shoulder. He yelled "Bitch" and came at me with the knife, but I got him on the left ear with the second swipe of my stick, and he staggered. Why a hockey stick, you might be wondering. Because a baseball bat looks like a weapon, but a hockey stick looks like sports equipment. Which it is, and I've had plenty of practice with it. So he was still coming at me with his cutlery, so after I'd bounced my hockey stick off his left ear, I did a follow through, spun round and smashed my weapon into his right ear. Now he was dazed, but he still had his knife, so I lined up carefully and whacked his right hand, cracking his knuckles and causing him to drop the blade. Now he was disarmed, I suppose I could have just got on the pizza bike and rode off, but my blood was up and I wasn't going to stop now. The standard strike with a hockey stick is, of course, to the shins, followed by an "Oops, sorry about that!". So I took careful aim, raised the stick and brought it down as hard as I could. There was a satisfying "Crack!" and I knew that my assailant was finished. So I put my hockey stick back on its bracket, got on the pizza bike and rode off into the sunset. Or I would have, but it was night time so I rode off into the moonlight.

attacked money carrying waving knife dinner knife stupid life cash bicycle hockey stick yard long unclipped swung head ducked caught shoulder yelled bitch left ear second swipe stick staggered baseball bat sports equipment practice cutlery bounced follow through smashed weapon dazed right hand cracking knuckles drop blade disarmed pizza bike rode off blood standard strike shins oops sorry aim raised hard satisfying crack assailant finished bracket sunset night time moonlight

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part three - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part three
Price: 8.00

I was just burning some toast to go with the soggy beans for Raafid's supper, when Sfiyah turned up, and she had someone with her. Who? I don't know, she was dressed head to toe in a black burqa. "Hey," Sfiyah said. "Hey hey," I replied, "what's the timing for toast again?" She looked at what was pretty much charcoal. "About ten minutes ago," she answered, "this is Asma. She wants to be a Black Burqa." I blinked. A what? Apparently, my appearance at the masjid had led to some confusion, mostly because Sfiyah also wore a black burqa when she went there to douse the lights. So people already thought there were two of us, and if two, why not three? The great thing about a burqa, is that no-one could actually see me. It was like a disguise, only better. So no-one, except me and Sfiyah, knew the secret identity of the Black Burqa. I suppose Raafid might have guessed, but he was too intimidated by me to tell anyone. It must be terrible to live with someone who, at any time, might inflict painful violence on you. I know this, because that's how I had lived for years and years. "Who was that mysterious woman?" people were asking each other, and the guesses were all over the place. Every woman around here was wearing a niqab with a face veil; a burqa was only a small step further. Who was that masked woman? Asma spoke. "I've been through eight years of beatings. And each time he didn't kill me, he made me stronger. And now I want to be like you, a Black Burqa. I want to help all the women who are being trodden on and treated unjustly. We women are supposed to be treated like queens; too many of us get treated like serfs."

burning toast soggy beans Raafid's supper Sfiyah someone dressed black burqa timing charcoal Asma appearance masjid confusion two three burqa disguise secret identity Black Burqa Raafid intimidated painful violence mysterious woman guesses niqab face veil masked woman Asma beatings stronger help women trodden on treated unjustly queens serfs.

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Amy's Conquest part 2 Redux 2 - PDF

Amy's Conquest part 2 Redux 2
Price: 8.00

The scene starts out with the two gorgeous young musclegirls giggling up a storm, both filled with unreal excitement as they get themselves ready for their first female muscle video clip. Something neither of them have ever officially tried before, yet something they would wind up doing with such ease and unreal skill (not to mention plenty of sexy, young, female muscle) that anyone watching would have thought they had been practicing this online art for many years now. Bouncing up and down on a nearby bed (which was barely large enough to support these two massively muscle packed young women, Amy and Jessica were dressed in very short, tight and revealing lingerie, as they playfully smacked one another with large pillows taken from the front of this very bed. A true "Amazon Girl Sleepover" fantasy come true, and this was only the first 15 seconds. "Hi all, we're back, did you miss us?" Amy spoke out in a girlish tone, lowering her soft pillow down to her side, as she jumped off this barely still intact bed, with her fellow musclegirl following suit. "Well, we sure missed you" Jessica giggled out, continuing their act of little girls, which wasn't too far of a stretch, since they themselves were only 18 years old. Though you wouldn't know that from their voluptuous physiques, which displayed a level of athletic shape, size and hardness that one would think could only belong to someone several years their senior. Yet as much as their bodies gave them the appearance of womanly age and maturity, their incredibly gorgeous and youthful faces made them look almost too young to be "enjoying" such videos and photos. As for their maturity, well girls will be girls, which goes double for those with rock solid, steel hard physiques, who were more than able to take virtually anything that they wanted\u2026\u2026or in this case, ANYONE that they wanted. "We hope you liked our pictures, we worked really hard on them for you all, almost as hard as our Big, Sexy bodies, I'd say" she continued to chirp out in her little girl's voice. "

scene musclegirls giggling storm excitement female muscle video clip unreal skill sexy young female muscle practicing online art bouncing bed massively muscle packed Amy Jessica short tight revealing lingerie playfully smacked large pillows Amazon Girl Sleepover fantasy first 15 seconds Hi all back missed girlish tone soft pillow intact bed fellow musclegirl 18 years old voluptuous physiques athletic shape size hardness womanly age maturity gorgeous youthful faces enjoying videos photos maturity girls will be girls rock solid steel hard physiques virtually anything anyone liked pictures worked really hard Big Sexy bodies chirp out little girl's voice

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The ERG sorority - PDF

The ERG sorority
Price: 8.00

We were just gossiping about guys, as one does. I suppose guys gossip about girls, or maybe they just gossip about sports. I don't know. Boys just don't seem to be rational. Sex is the most important thing in the world, because sex leads to babies, and without babies, the human race goes extinct. Without baseball, the human race doesn't go extinct. Without football, the human race continues. And the same for basketball, cricket, soccer, golf and so on. Something we've all noticed is that there seem to be a bunch of boys that are turned on by female muscle, but there's also a bunch that are intimidated by us to the extent that they don't even appear on our radar. Judy said "I make money by dancing." And while she's dancing in her bikini, she shows off her thick muscles; the audience easily understands that she's stronger than any two of them. "They feel intimidated by my body, and even a bit scared. And when I suggest tips, they respond enthusiastically, with five and ten dollar bills. Sally reminisced about a jockstrap raid she'd been on. "It was great fun. We hit the ALE frat house. There were four of us, and the boys didn't put up any resistance, because they knew that they'd be knocked flat if they tried. So we smashed down their front door - it turned out that it hadn't been locked, but smashing it down set the scene. We barged into their dorm room and rummaged through their drawers, grabbing their most intimate garments - jock straps. They were a bit smelly, but we'd brought plastic bags to put them in. Then we marched out, past the boys who were still cowering in their living room.

gossiping guys girls sports rational sex important babies human race extinct baseball football basketball cricket soccer golf boys turned on female muscle intimidated radar money dancing bikini muscles audience intimidated scared tips enthusiastically jockstrap raid ALE frat house resistance knocked flat smashed front door dorm room drawers intimate garments jock straps smelly plastic bags marched out cowering living room.

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Amy's seduction - PDF

Amy's seduction
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

18-year old Amy Hardstone is in detention, and she seduces the teacher, Robert Scott, who is sitting in on the detention. Why is she there? Because she got into a fight. With three guys, and gave them a severe beating, leaving them in hospital. Amy shows Robert her huge biceps and massive thighs; flexing and breaking the desk she was sitting at. Then she mashes Robert against the blackboard with her enormous breasts, almost smothering him. Amy both attracted and terrified the small teacher. And when he calls her a freak, she's upset, and shows it by mangling the desk. Robert tries to make a run for it, but is stopped by collision with Amy's hard body, and then she crushes him in her arms, leaving him unable to breathe.

18-year old Amy Hardstone detention seduces teacher Robert Scott fight three guys severe beating hospital huge biceps massive thighs flexing breaking desk mashes blackboard enormous breasts smothering attracted terrified small teacher freak upset mangling run stopped collision hard body crushes arms unable to breathe

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My step sister - PDF

My step sister
Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Diana the Valkyrie)

His new stepsister, Emily, is nineteen years old, heavily muscled and six foot eight. She immediately starts to bully him and tells him his car is in her spot. She rolls the car onto its roof. Then she kicks him in the belly and delivered a painful and humiliating spanking. His sister Teddy tries to help by rubbing cream onto his sore arse, but she uses something that Emily gave her, which makes things much worse. Emily holds him upside down betwen her thighs, while Teddy rubs on more of the painful cream. Several days later, Emily apologises for her behaviour, and explained that it was a testosterone thing, and she needed help to deal with it - the help being, of course, sex. But sex with a powerful muscle girl is great at first, but as the hours go by it is more painful, humiliating and embarrassing. Then Emily started to have a sexual relationship with his sister Teddy! And then the new mom used dad as a test subject for her business. Her business was items for discipline.

stepsister Emily nineteen years old heavily muscled six foot eight bully car roof kick belly spanking sister Teddy cream sore arse upside down thighs apology testosterone sex muscle girl relationship mom dad test subject business discipline

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La Toro - PDF

La Toro
Price: 8.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyriek, Artwork ZGannero)

They call her "La Toro", because although she's female, she's built like a bull. She's six feet seven and 310 pounds, one hell of a lot of it is muscle. She demands submission from all men, but especially from her husband, who she tortures each day with her powerful muscles. And this is an account of one such day. One day in the life of the husband of La Toro Don't read this if you're of a weak or nervous disposition. Try to avoid any woman who becomes inspired by La Toro. But most of all, if she does one day kill her husband by going just a bit too far - do not volunteer to be his replacement. Excellent artwork by international artist ZGannero.

La Toro female bull six feet seven 310 pounds muscle submission husband tortures powerful muscles account one day life weak nervous disposition inspired kill replacement

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